Central- Eastern- European Recreational Association
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Important news
1 % 2025/02/13 09:15 - 2025/05/22 00:00

Thank you for supporting us this year with 1% of your tax!

Upcoming event of our Szeged Lifestyle Club 2024/12/12 16:45 - 2024/12/12 19:00

Our Szeged Lifestyle Club welcomes you to its event in December! Participation in the event is free of charge!

Upcoming event of our Budapest Lifestyle Club 2024/12/09 18:00 - 2024/12/09 20:00

Our Budapest Lifestyle Club is waiting for you on 09 December 2024 with an exciting topic for its next event! Participation is free!

Upcoming event of our Budapest Lifestyle Club 2024/12/05 17:30 - 2024/12/20 20:00

Our Budapest Lifestyle Club warmly invite you to its forthcoming interactive event on Lavinas for all! Participation is free!

5th Leisure Scientific Conference 2024/10/08 10:00 - 2024/10/08 17:00

Invitation to the 5th Leisure Scientific Conference

Summer Issue of Journal of Recreation published 2024/08/30 19:00

We are pleased to introduce the Summer Issue of Journal of Recreation!

Spring Issue of Journal of Recreation published 2024/05/29 10:00

We are pleased to introduce the Spring Issue of Journal of Recreation, featuring a review of the proven effects of CoQ10 on therapeutic and preventive sport performance!

The Winter 2023 issue of Journal of Recreation has been published 2024/01/23 11:00

The Winter 2023 issue of Journal of Recreation has been published!

Journal of Recreation editors in training 2023/11/02 16:00 - 2023/11/02 17:00

A training of the Editors of the Journal of Recreation took place on 02.11.2023, during which for the first time the knowledge of the OJS system was further developed.

New cooperation agreement 2023/10/28 10:00

On 9 October 2023, in the framework of the IV Leisure Conference, the Central-Eastern-European Recreation Association and Climate Action Ltd.
