Central- Eastern- European Recreational Association
Magyar nyelv Angol nyelv Román nyelv Akadálymentes
Editorial board
Dr. habil. Péter Fritz Dr. habil. Péter Fritz Editor in Chief, Associate professor, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences peter.fritz@recreationcentral.eu More
Dr. Adrienn Princz Dr. Adrienn Princz Editor in Charge, University of Szeged Faculty of Law and Political Sciences adrienn.princz@recreationcentral.eu More
Dr. Szilvia Beke Dr. Szilvia Beke Deputy Dean, Gál Ferenc University, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Gyula beke.szilvia@gfe.hu More
Annamária Juhász Annamária Juhász Head of Modern Healthy Lifestlye section, assistant lecture University of Miskolc, Marketing Institute of the Faculty of Economics annamaria.juhasz@recreationcentral.eu More
Dr. Ágnes Bene Dr. Ágnes Bene Head of Gerontology section, Senior lecture, University of Debrecen Faculty of Health Sciences bene.agnes@etk.unideb.hu
Dr. Katalin Nagyváradi Dr. Katalin Nagyváradi Head of Recreational training section, ELTE-PPK Szombately katalin.nagyvaradi@recreationcentral.eu More
Dr. László Lajos Lippai Dr. László Lajos Lippai Head of Mental Health section, SZTE-JGYPK lippai.laszlo.lajos@szte.hu More
Dr. Andó Réka Dr. Andó Réka Head of Sport nutrition section fritz.reka@med.u-szeged.hu
Dr. Márton Magyar Dr. Márton Magyar Assistant Professor, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology, Budapest, Hungary, szellemi@recreationcentral.eu More
Dr. Zoltán Szatmári Dr. Zoltán Szatmári Head of Talent management section, Lecturer, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences thend.2011@gmail.com More
Prof. Dr. Bárdos Jenő Prof. Dr. Bárdos Jenő Director of Studies of The Doctoral School of Education University of Pannonia, Veszprém; Eszterházy Karoly University, Eger; H bardos.jenoistvan@gmail.com More
Prof. Dr. Csányi Erzsébet Prof. Dr. Csányi Erzsébet Full professor, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Serbia erzsebet.csanyi@gmail.com More
Prof. Dr. Ihász Ferenc Prof. Dr. Ihász Ferenc Professor, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology Institute of Sport Sciences, Szombathely, Hungary ihasz.ferenc@ppk.elte.hu More
Prof. Dr. Lakner Zoltán Prof. Dr. Lakner Zoltán Professor, Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Department of Food Economics, Budapest, Hungary lakner.zoltan.karoly@uni-mate.hu More
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Márta Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Márta Full Professor, University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Sport Sciences and Physical Education pecs@recreationcentral.eu More
Prof. Olga Kolomietc Prof. Olga Kolomietc Professor, Ural State University of Physical Culture (UralSUPC), Russia Kolomiec_o@mail.ru More
Prof. Dr. Tamás László Prof. Dr. Tamás László Professzor, Semmelweis University, Ear-Nose- Troat and Head and Neck Surgery Klinik, Budapest, Hungary talaci@gmail.com
Dr. Darabos Ferenc Dr. Darabos Ferenc Associate professor: Szent István University , Hungary darabos.ferenc@sze.hu
Dr. Polgár Tibor Dr. Polgár Tibor Associate Professzor, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology Institute of Sport Science, Győr, Hungary polgar.tibor@ppk.elte.hu More
Dr. Lacza Gyöngyvér Dr. Lacza Gyöngyvér Associate professor, Hungarian University of Sports Science, Budapest, Hungary lacza.gyongyver@tf.hu More
Dr. habil. Rétsági Erzsébet Dr. habil. Rétsági Erzsébet Lecturer, PTE TTK Sporttudományi és Testnevelési Intézet, Pécs, Hungary retsagie@gmail.com
Dr. habil. Bánhidi Miklós Dr. habil. Bánhidi Miklós Professor, Széchenyi University, Győr, Hungary miklosbanhidi@gmail.com More
Dr. Barnai Mária Dr. Barnai Mária Associate professor, University of Szeged Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies , Szeged, Hungary barnaim@etszk.u-szeged.hu More
Dr. Honfi László Dr. Honfi László Senior lecturer, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungrary drhonfilaszlo@gmail.com
Dr. habil. Tóth Ákos Levente Dr. habil. Tóth Ákos Levente Associate professor,University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Sport Sciences and Physical Education tothahu@gmail.com More
Dr. Mák Erzsébet Dr. Mák Erzsébet College professor, Semmelweis University, Faculty of Health Sciences Institute of applied health sciences, Budapest, Hungary erzsi.mak@gmail.com More
Dr. Baráth László Dr. Baráth László Senior lecturer, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra – Faculty of Central European Studies, Slovakia lbarath@ukf.sk More
Dr. Gergely István Dr. Gergely István Senior lecturer, University of Medicine and Farmacy of Targu Mures, Romania gergelyistvan@studium.ro More
Dr. Viczay Ildkó Dr. Viczay Ildkó Senior lecturer, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra – Faculty of Central European Studies, Slovakia viczay.ildiko@gmail.com More
Anikó Kukla Anikó Kukla DNP, RN, CPNP anikokukla@gmail.com More
Dr. Katalin Mizerak Dr. Katalin Mizerak Associate Professor, Hungarian University of Sports Science, Budapest, Hungary mizerak.katalin@tf.hu More