Central- Eastern- European Recreational Association
Magyar nyelv Angol nyelv Román nyelv Akadálymentes
Spring Issue of Journal of Recreation published 2024/05/29 10:00

We are pleased to introduce the Spring Issue of Journal of Recreation, featuring a review of the proven effects of CoQ10 on therapeutic and preventive sport performance!

Table of content:

COLUMN OF SPORT NUTRITION: Proven effects of CoQ10 in therapy, prevention and sports performance

COLUMN OF GERONTOLOGY: Phytotherapy complementary treatment options for high blood pressure, Herb guide, not just for the elderly

COLUMN OF TALENT MANAGEMENT: Eating habits, physical health and lifestyle changes during the COVID-19 lockdown: comparison between Hungarian and Jordanian female workers

COLUMN OF RECREATIONAL TRAINING: Artificial Intelligence in training planning

COLUMN OF MENTAL HEALTH: Summarizing associations related to private clinics using a memetic perception map

COLUMN OF HEALTH TOURISM: Age-related changes in the sport motivation of water sports tourists in the field of leisure sports

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Superfoodsteam: https://superfoodsteam.com/

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