Central- Eastern- European Recreational Association
Magyar nyelv Angol nyelv Román nyelv Akadálymentes
Summer Issue of Journal of Recreation published 2024/08/30 19:00

We are pleased to introduce the Summer Issue of Journal of Recreation!

Table of content:

COLUMN OF SPORT NUTRITION: For a healthy and long life, you need to get hungry and break a sweat each and every day

COLUMN OF GERONTOLOGY:Are iron men over 50 really made of iron?

COLUMN OF TALENT MANAGEMENT: Unveiling the Motivations and Challenges: an Introspection into Women s Football in Hungary

COLUMN OF SPIRITUAL RECREATION: Appearance of cognitive functions, area of development and application possibilities of its measurement

COLUMN OF MENTAL HEALTH:„Where Heaven and Eath meet...” – Spiritual Workout

COLUMN OF HEALTH TOURISM: Recreational opportunities for tourism workers

COLUMN OF MODERN HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: The importance of sleep quality in tourism - innovations in accommodation

Our Supporters:

Nemzeti Együttműködési Alap


Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt.: https://bgazrt.hu/

Superfoodsteam: https://superfoodsteam.com/

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