The Winter 2023 issue of Journal of Recreation has been published!
Journal of Recreation is available in full, article by article, and can be downloaded free of charge from the official OJS website:
Sports nutriation
Authors: Réka Fritz, Annamária Maszlag, Lívia Mayer, Dr. habil Péter Fritz
Titels of the Research: Body Composition and Measurement Options
Available at:
Author: Krisztina Mayer
Titels of the Research: Sport as a way of saving lives and maintaining physical and mental health, Recreational sports activity for senior firefighters
Available at:
Talent management
Authors:Ferenc Bóka, Zoltán Törköly, Margaréte Tokodi
Titels of the Research: The gem of the recreational tourism: Szarvas
Available at:
Recreational training
Authors: Katalin Nagyváradi, Adrienn Baloghné Dr. Bakk
Titels of the Research:"The problem is on our shoulders"?! The SMS neck: its development and possibilities of prevention
Available at:
Spiritual recreation
Authors: Nikolett Rozgonyiné Dr. Dotár, Csilla Dr. Petykó, Csilla Dr. Szalók, Adrienn Dr. Nagy
Titels of the Research:„Route of the Wonder Rabbis 2” - Spiritual recreation from a local perspective in Bodrogkeresztúr
Available at:
Modern Healthy Lifestyle
Author: Annamária Juhász
Titels of the Research:Confronting yourself with a smart mirror
Available at: