
Technologies and management of physical recreation at different ontogenesis stages
Sport physiology, sportsmen's physical rehabilitation technologies and management
Technologies and management of people's, having health problems, physical
The top five professional publications:
- Kolomiets O. I. and Bykov E. V. Features of regulation of tone of large vessels and microcirculation in athletes with different directions of physical activity. Scientific-Theor. log. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoi kul'tury 2015 No. 5, Pp. 38-41 Scopus
- Kolomiets O. I. Influence of synchronized personalized musical influence on functional and psycho-emotional state of student athletes. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoi kul'tury №5, 2016 Pp. 52-55 Scopus
- Zsolt Shack, Ferenc Ikhas, Csaba Conchos mine, Janos Apaczai Chere Faculty, Judit Plachy Copcane, József Bognergasse, Kolomiets Olga. Physics, body composition and motor works in hungary students. Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta -2016. - №3 (133). DOI: 10.5930 / issn.1994-4683.2016.03.133.p267-27.
- 4Makunina O. A., Kovalenko A. N., Bykov E. V.& Kolomiets O. I. Features of distribution of tobacco Smoking and respiratory diseases among students-athletes of the city of Chelyabinsk/ / / journal of Hygiene and sanitation-Volume 97, № 9 (2018)-P.854-857 ISSN: 0016-9900. ISSN: 2412-0650 (online) Scopus
- 5. Bykov, E.V., Kolomfetz, O.I. Modern information technologies to improve training process control methods. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, 2016 (5), pp. 59-61. Scopus